Rocla AGV Solution for Food and Beverage Industry

AGV Solutions for Food and Beverage Industry

Mitsubishi Logisnext Europe makes your logistics operations in the food and beverage industry more efficient, economical and streamlined. Rocla Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) solutions allow you to achieve near 100% traceability of your food and beverage facility logistics while cutting costs and drastically reducing damage.

AGV Benefits for Food and Beverage Companies

  • Achieve automated warehouse management
  • Secure virtually 100% traceability
  • Combine mobile racking with AGVs to save space
  • Reduce damage to vehicles, stock and site
  • Stay flexible when production and product handling requirements change
  • Know the total cost of ownership in advance
  • Implement AGV solutions without stopping production or modifying the warehouse
Tailored Rocla AGV solutions for food and beverage companies

Tailored AGV solutions for the food and beverage industry

Your food and beverage company will benefit from a combination of proven technology, trustworthy maintenance and expert staff behind Rocla AGV solutions. You can rely on the Rocla AGV modular design, which is based on tried and tested intralogistics technology from the leading supplier and specifically adapted for your environment.

Tailored Rocla AGV solutions for food and beverage industry

Continual performance improvement

With Rocla AGV solutions, your food and beverage company won’t stand still. The team is there to support you, helping you boost efficiency and achieve continual improvement.

The Rocla AGV Solution for Food and Beverage Companies

AGV for Food and Beverage industry
  • Improve delivery reliability
  • Reduce damage
  • Trace virtually all of your stock, all the time
  • Just-in-time material flows
  • Reduce damage
  • Fully automatic process flow
Rocla Fleetcontroller AGV Software
  • User friendly
  • Developed by us in-house
  • Industry-leading product optimization
Rocla Life Cycle Services for AGV
  • Retain asset value
  • Smartly timed maintenance proposals
  • Audits by us to map your specific needs
Calculate your savings Rocla
  • Calculate return on investment
  • See why not deploying AGVs could cost
  • Discover tangible monetary benefit
Mixed Manual and Automated Warehouse Fleet Operations
  • Agile and flexible
  • Allows you to cut costs and risks
  • Compatible with existing operations

Automating food and beverage industry intralogistics for optimized performance

Ensure your food and beverage industry facility can keep performing no matter what with tailored automation. Make your warehouse even more manageable, know where virtually all your stock is at all times, and reduce damage and wasted space with Rocla Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) solutions. Use Rocla AGVs to optimally automate your intralogistics, ensuring goods are where they need to be, when they need to be. That frees up your employees’ valuable time for other tasks, as well as cutting inefficiencies. Rocla AGVs also reduce damage, as they do not collide with other machines and hardware the way manual trucks do.

Make your warehouse even more manageable, know where virtually all your stock is at all times

Food and beverage companies worldwide trust Rocla Automated Guided Vehicles to achieve high efficiency and warehouse traceability. Our customers use our solutions to rationalize and boost their competitive edge without stopping production, just as you can. These industry players benefit from the Rocla AGV team’s dedication to continually boosting our customers’ industry performance through true partnership. Are you ready to take the next step and derive all the benefits from intralogistics automation?

We are trusted by industry-leading clients

Over 1,000 projects, more than 7,000 AGVs delivered. Click the logos below to read customer cases.

Watch how Valio used our automation solutions to cut damage to property by 90%

Tailored Rocla AGV solutions for food and beverage companies

Jaakko Rahikainen

Sales Manager, Food and Beverage Industry

Our food and beverage industry specialist at your service

Call +358 400 737 424

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