Rocla Life Cycle Services for AGV

Life Cycle Services

As a customer, it is essential that you get the best value out of our solution, achieve a rapid return on investment, and keep the entire solution reliable and available for as long as possible. With our Life Cycle Services, you can enjoy continuous productivity without unnecessary interruptions. Leave the worrying for us, and we’ll let you focus on your core business instead!

Life Cycle Services to maintain your assets’ value

Life Cycle Services ensure that the solutions you are using can adapt to the necessities of current technologies, help you prevent unnecessary costs caused by the ageing of the components, and maximise the equipment and system reliability. The solution support management system consists of three phases: Active, Limited, and, if the solution has come to the end of its lifespan, Discontinued.

Rocla AGV Life Cycle Services

In the Active phase, the solution benefits from MLE’s Full Support, including maintenance and repair, spare parts and system know-how. The solution service lifetime is extended by periodic or condition-based software updates/upgrades and hardware updates, and AGVs run using the latest technology with maximum reliability.

In the Limited phase, MLE can support the solutions, including maintenance and repair, spare parts and system know-how if the resources, including components, are available. Additionally, during the Limited phase, increasing maintenance costs caused by ageing technology can be avoided by custom-made modernisation packages, including hardware and software upgrades.

After the solution reaches the Discontinued phase, the availability of services cannot be guaranteed. However, MLE can provide technical expertise on the best replacement according to the customer and industry needs.


The lifetime of our Rocla AGV solution is typically 15-20 years, yet, it can be extended through modernisation packages. With timely modernisations you can ensure quick technical support and the availability of critical parts, minimised production interruptions, and support your organisation’s sustainability goals. For more information, please request our brochure below or contact us directly.

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Life Cycle Services brochure

Guaranteed usability and efficiency

Strong warehouse and automated guided vehicles expertise as a foundation Rocla improves its customer’s logistics operations with comprehensive fleet and service offering.

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