Rocla AGV solution for warehousing

AGV Solutions for the Warehouse Logistics Industry

Mitsubishi Logisnext Europe make your warehouse logistics operations cheaper and more efficient. Rocla Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) solutions allow your storage facilities and logistics providers to cut costs, boost capacity, improve traceability and eliminate transport and product damage entirely. The solutions are suited to both in-house and third-party logistics and storage facilities.

AGV Benefits for Warehouse Logistics Companies

  • Reduce the number of errors in the warehouse or fulfilment centre
  • Ensure just-in-time material flow
  • Cut labour costs through automation
  • Eliminate transport and product damage
  • Know the total cost of ownership in advance
  • Implement AGV solutions without stopping daily operations
  • Maximize uptime with our diagnostics and support
Tailored Rocla AGV solutions for warehousing

Tailored AGV solutions for the warehouse logistics industry

Your operations and processes define the level of automation and the suitable solution. Solution optimised for your needs guarantees fluent operations: a combination of proven technology, Rocla AGV modular design, trustworthy maintenance, and expert staff and brings your operations to the next level.

Tailored Rocla AGV solutions for logistics

Continual performance improvement

With Rocla AGV Solutions, your warehouse, fulfilment centre or other facility won’t stand still. We help you to pinpoint the processes where automation creates the most value. Extensive vehicle offerings and optimised overall solutions will help you boost efficiency and achieve continual improvement. AGV Solutions are simple to deploy and can be fitted in many environments.

Automating warehouse logistics for lower costs and optimal flow

Save money and boost your warehouse logistics facility’s efficiency with Rocla AGV Solutions. Whether you run a proprietary or third-party warehouse, fulfilment centre or another facility, Rocla AGVs can make it leaner, safer and more economical. Our holistic solution includes all the critical elements for an efficient warehouse from AGVs and manually operated forklifts to racking, AGV system software and intralogistics consultation.

Rocla AGV Solution is scalable, which allows our customers to adjust their fleet size according to their needs. The AGVs transport goods with zero waste and zero errors, achieving a just-in-time workflow with significantly lower costs. AGVs also reduce damage, as they are more accurate than manual equipment when handling the load.

Trusted solutions

Warehouse logistics companies trust Rocla Automated Guided Vehicles globally to optimise their flow and cut costs. They implemented these cost-saving solutions without stopping production, just as your facility can. These industry players benefit from the Rocla AGV team’s dedication to continually boosting our customers’ industry performance through genuine partnership. Are you ready to take the next step and derive all the benefits from warehouse logistics automation?

This is how Bring increased warehouse productivity through our automation solutions

Narrow aisle AGV at warehouse

We are trusted by industry-leading clients

Over 1,000 projects, more than 7,000 AGVs delivered. Click the logos below to read customer cases.

Warehouse Logistics brochure

Maximise logistics efficiency in a manufacturing facility

How do the most efficient warehouses in the world achieve their lean results? Through automation. Download this brochure to learn how.

Pekka Paavilainen

Sales Manager, Warehousing and Logistics

Call +358 50 5709 206

The Rocla AGV Solution for Warehouse Logistics Companies

Rocla automated guided vehicles for warehousing
  • Ensure just-in-time material flow
  • Reduce labour costs
  • Know the cost of ownership in advance
  • Precisely trace all goods in the warehouse
  • Reduce costly errors
  • Eliminate damage to goods
Rocla Fleetcontroller AGV Software
  • User friendly
  • Developed by us in-house
  • Industry-leading product optimization
Rocla Life Cycle Services for AGV
  • Retain asset value
  • Smartly timed maintenance proposals
  • Audits by us to map your specific needs
Calculate your savings Rocla
  • Calculate return on investment
  • See why not deploying AGVs could cost
  • Discover tangible monetary benefit
Mixed Manual and Automated Warehouse Fleet Operations
  • Agile and flexible
  • Allows you to cut costs and risks
  • Compatible with existing operations

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