The new website is live!

Notice something new here? Well… We are happy to announce that the new Rocla AGV website is finally published! The enhanced website is now providing a comprehensive look at our solution and vehicle offering with a fresh, modern, and user-friendly look and feel.
With the new pages, we can serve our customers better and easier. Sort the content by industry or dig deeper into the vehicle-specific pages and downloadable product specifications and brochures. Or check out the Stories section, where the insights give you a great viewpoint on the industry, and the success stories reveal how we, together with our customers found solutions for their various logistics needs.
And if the info on the web pages isn’t enough and you want to know more, you are more than welcome to contact our experts. That too you can do easily on the site! Our specialists are happy to provide detailed information and help you find the best solution for your business.
Why not take a tour of the site right now – we hope you enjoy it!
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Customer References
DS SMITH: Robots at work, investing in technology to increase sustainability